Are Nylon, Acrylic and Polyester Made of Synthetic Fibers?

Are Nylon, Acrylic and Polyester Made of Synthetic Fibers? Synthetic fibers are a result of the polymerization of petroleum-based chemicals or plant based materials, which are also known as petrochemicals. During the polymerization process of the petrochemicals, two adjacent carbon atoms bond together to form long and linear chemical compounds that are in turn used to produce different…

Industrial Textile Manufacturer Overview

Industrial Textile Manufacturer Overview Industrial textile manufacturers are companies who are widely engaged in developing high quality fabric materials. Their focus is to provide consumers the best fabrics for specific requirements. In all parts of the globe, textile manufacturing is at large. The usage of textiles for peoples lives shaped the fabric industry into what…

Dyed Duck Fabric Textile Manufacturer Wholesale

Dyed Duck Fabric Textile Manufacturer Wholesale Duck fabric has been an important part of the textile industry for ages. Multipurpose and sturdy, duck has been used for manufacturing shoes, furniture slipcovers, tents, bags, rugged work clothes, screens, sails and a host of other things. In accordance with consumer demands for variety, the classic duck is being…